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chhiat-oāⁿ     Thâu-ia̍h (Pe̍h-oē-jī)     —      頭頁 (漢字)     切換

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chit-má chu-liāu-khò͘ lāi-té ū 104,595,820-kiāⁿ--ê muî-thé tóng-àn, lí thang chū-iû sú-iōng, tû-liáu sú-iōng í-goā, lí mā thang koan lí ka-kī--ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ.
Kin-á-ji̍t--ê Tô͘-siōng

Bell tower (belfry), front view, upper part, at Wat Phra Kaew, Temple of Emerald Buddha, within the precincts of the Grand Palace, in Bangkok, Thailand. Today is Chakri Memorial Day in Thailand.

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Kin-á-ji̍t--ê Iáⁿ-phìⁿ
Winter mountaineering in France, near Grenoble. Gully Paul Arthaud (or Gully Zia) then we wanted to continue with the crossing of the N-S ridges of the Oreille du Loup. We learned good lessons from this first experience which, despite the conditions, was carried out without major risks. It was a very good course to start winter mountaineering because it did not require a high technical level and there were multiple escape routes (so low commitment).

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Chhiáⁿ ēng chit ia̍h bīn-téng--ê "chhiau" (search) keh-á, ia̍h-sī chiàⁿ-chhiú-pêng--ê liân-kiat, mā thang bián-huì tēng goán--ê loē-iông pò-kò.
Uī tio̍h hû-ha̍p chū-iû pán-khoân--ê iau-kiû, chhiáⁿ lí seng khoàⁿ-koè goán--ê sú-iōng soat-bêng, lí mā thang thê-chhut iau-kiû, kóng boeh ài 1-tiuⁿ siòng.
Nā tī iáu-boē hun-luī--ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ, lí nā chai-iáⁿ, lí ē-sái tī hit--ê hāng-bo̍k--ê thó-lūn-ia̍h lâu oē.
Tī goán--ê «kòng-hiàn lí--ê chok-phín» soat-bêng lāi-té, ū lí su-iàu chai--ê.
Tī goán--ê siā-khu ji̍p-kháu, lí thang khoàⁿ tio̍h iōng kî-thaⁿ hong-sek, mā ē-tàng pang-chō͘ chit--ê bāng-chām.

Lí nā thâu 1-piàn lâi chiah, lí ē-sái seng khoàⁿ Te̍k-sek tô͘-siōng, Iu-liông tô͘-siōng ia̍h-sī Te̍k-soán tô͘-siōng, mā thang tī Goán--ê liap-iáⁿ-ka kap Goán--ê oē-tô͘-ka khoàⁿ tio̍h goán sai-hū-kip kòng-hiàn-chiá--ê chok-phíⁿ, ia̍h-sī lâi khoàⁿ Nî-soán tô͘-siōng.
