An Introduction to Old French
- Author: William W. Kibler
- Pages: xxvii & 366 pp.
- Published: 1984
- ISBN: 9780873522922 (Paperback)
“[I]t may well be the most practical textbook available to anglophones for courses on Old French.”
The first section, on the grammar, presents reading selections from Marie de France’s lai “Fresne” and selections in two major literary dialects of Old French—Anglo-Norman and Picard. These are followed by chapters on Old French morphology and syntax; phonology sections are included at the end of each chapter. Contains a glossary, an index, and a select bibliography.
“This is an excellent, very welcome textbook, useful for studying not only Old French but the early history of the language as well. Its organization and clarity of exposition are such, moreover, that it may serve equally well in a classroom and in a program of independent study.”
“This valuable handbook fills a void for teachers of Old French and for anyone studying that language independently.”
—Modern Language Journal
“[This book] brings Old French down from the clouds. For this Kibler deserves much praise and the gratitude of instructors and students alike.”
—L’Esprit Créateur