Graduate Education for a Thriving Humanities Ecosystem
- Editors: Stacy M. Hartman, Yevgenya Strakovsky
- Pages: 336
- Published: 2023
- ISBN: 9781603296410 (Paperback)
- ISBN: 9781603296403 (Hardcover)

While the humanities remain as necessary as ever, the shrinking academic job market has led scholars to rethink the nature and purpose of graduate school in these fields. Highlighting examples of innovative approaches, this volume aims to provide resources and inspiration for a sustainable, thriving, and even joyful future for the humanities.
The essays in this collection offer a framework for doctoral education and postdoctoral careers rooted in concepts of abundance, collaboration, community engagement, and personal well-being. They emphasize the role of the humanities in helping people analyze texts, imagine others’ perspectives, make ethical decisions, and sit with ambiguity. They propose graduate programs that respond to student and community needs and lead to a variety of career paths. Finally, they envision opportunities for meaningful, fulfilling work in the service of a larger purpose.
Introduction (1)
Part One: Engaged Curriculum (21)
A Twenty-First-Century Doctoral Curriculum: Praxis, Scholarly Communication, and Capacity Building (25)
Collaborative Ethics: Practicing Engagement in Our Academic Communities (41)
Reforming and Revalidating the Humanities Master’s Degree at a STEM-Driven University (57)
Purpose and Vocation: Rethinking the First-Year Graduate Proseminar (75)
Experiential Learning and the Humanities PhD (91)
Part Two: Civic Engagement (107)
New Pathways for Access, Inclusion, and Public Engagement in the Land-Grant Humanities PhD (113)
Graduate Students and Their Communities: The Obermann Institute (133)
Generative Collaboration and the Digital Humanities (151)
Working Knowledge: Narrative Theory in the Real World (165)
Sustainability and the Posthumanities (179)
Humanities in Action: Centering the Human in Public Humanities Work (195)
Part Three: Joy and Well-Being (213)
Cultivating a Joyful Workplace through Trust, Support, and a Shared Mission (219)
The Agony and the Ecstasy of Literary Study at the Graduate Level (233)
Finding Joy in the Graduate Internship (245)
Bodies of Knowledge: Toward an Embodied Humanistic Praxis (259)
Humanities under Quarantine: A Reflection on Isolation and Connectivity in Graduate Education (275)
Joy and the Politics of the Public Good (291)
Radical Collegiality and Joy in Graduate Education (309)
Notes on Contributors (327)