Leading Contributors: 2013–14 Fiscal Year
The following contributors generously donated $500 or more to the various MLA funds during the association’s fiscal year. Find out more about donating to MLA funds.
In Memory of Sidney P. Albert
Samer M. Ali
Kwame Anthony Appiah
Houston A. Baker and Charlotte M. Pierce-Baker
Wendy Laura Belcher
Russell A. Berman
Michael Bérubé
Michael Johannes Boehler
Lawrence I. Buell
Ann Bugliani
Debra Ann Castillo
Rosemary G. Feal
Margaret W. Ferguson
Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Jody Franklin
Marilyn Gaddis Rose
Roland Greene
Margaret R. Higonnet in Honor of Rosemary G. Feal
Marianne Hirsch
Irene Kacandes
Thomas W. Kim
John P. Leavey
Philip E. Lewis
Herbert S. Lindenberger
Kara Grace Marler-Kennedy
Raul Marrero-Fente
Yolanda M. Martinez–San Miguel
Breon B. Mitchell
Catherine Porter
Patricia Roberts-Miller
Tracy Denean Sharpley-Whiting
Sidonie Ann Smith
Catharine Roslyn Stimpson
Kathleen Woodward
In Memory of Patsy Yaeger
and two anonymous donors
The following contributors generously donated $200 to $499 to the various MLA funds during the association’s fiscal year. Find out more about donating to MLA funds.
Academics for Fairness
Zahra A. Hussein Ali
Barbara K. Altmann
American Association of Teachers of German
Sarah M. Anderson
Lopamudra B. Basu
Elaine V. Beilin
Lauren Berlant
Sandra L. Bermann
Maryellen Bieder
Thomas E. Bird
David Bleich
Bege K. Bowers
Leo Braudy
Joan L. Brown
Rebecca Weld Bushnell
Judith Butler
Federico Abel Chalupa
Eric Cheyfitz
Syndy M. Conger
François Cornilliat
Mary Thomas Crane
Martha J. Cutter
David Damrosch
Alicia M. de la Torre Falzon
Gaurav G. Desai
Duane DeVries
Mary Jane Dickerson
Anne Donadey
William Edward Engel
Doucet Devin Fischer
Anne-Lise François
Anne Ruggles Gere
William Germano
Vicky Gottlieb
Laura Green
Donald E. Hall
Pamela S. Hardman
Jane Harper
Joan E. Hartman
Dorothea Heitsch
Elizabeth K. Helsinger
Peter Northrup Heydon
Deborah H. Holdstein
Michael Holquist
Louis Kampf
Thomas Paul Klammer
Christopher Kleinhenz
Lutz Koepnick
Laura Hanft Korobkin
Lawrence D. Kritzman
Mary N. Layoun
Peter H. Leffman
Vincent Barry Leitch
In Honor of Herbert S. Lindenberger
David C. Lloyd
Gerardo Augusto Lorenzino
Steven Mailloux
William J. Maxwell
Janice Neuleib
Stephen G. Nichols
Yoshitaka Niizeki
John K. Noyes
Marjorie Gabrielle Perloff
R. G. Peterson
Sandy Petrey
Karen Beth Petroski
Nancy A. Potter
Ato Quayson
Alan Rauch
Dana J. Ringuette
Roopika Risam
Joyce A. Scott
Julie E. Singer
Martha Nell Smith
Hortense Jeanette Spillers
Karen A. Stolley
Priscilla B. Wald
Cynthia S. Wall
Jack Wasserman
Tim Watson
Carolyn S. Williams
Elizabeth Catherine Wright
George T. Wright
In Memory of Patsy Yaeger
Anthony C. Yu in Honor of Carol Zuses
Pauline Ruth Yu
and eleven anonymous donors
The following foundations have generously contributed matching funds during the association's 2012–13 fiscal year.
The Teagle Foundation