Top Ten Reasons Why Senior Administrators Should Be Members of the Modern Language Association
- You’ll add the strength of your voice and experience to the network of fellow administrators from the fields of English, world languages, and world cultures who can provide critical support and advice for working with fields outside the humanities.
- You’ll find personal satisfaction and benefit professionally from opportunities to guide the careers and advocacy efforts of new and aspiring humanities administrators at other institutions.
- You’ll grow as a leader and mentor on your home campus through the cross-institutional perspective afforded by MLA publications and face-to-face discussions at ADE and ALD seminars on professional development for chairs and directors of graduate studies and undergraduate studies.
- You’ll be eligible to propose and participate in sessions at the MLA Annual Convention that reflect the work you’re doing on your campus, helping others while showcasing your accomplishments.
- You’ll have at your fingertips the MLA’s resources, statements of best practices, and state-of-the-academy reports regarding non-tenure-track faculty members.
- You’ll have access to the MLA’s wealth of data resources and team of data experts, who can assist in answering questions about, or drawing statistical data on, the state of the humanities nationally, regionally, and even on your campus.
- You’ll be at the front of the line to take advantage of MLA services like the Consultancy Service, which can bring fresh ideas to your campus.
- You can make use of up-to-date MLA recommendations and data on best practices and trends in undergraduate and graduate education; faculty hiring, development, and promotion; and employment beyond the academy.
- You’ll maintain connections with the broad network of humanities scholars and teachers who are changing and improving the field every day.
- You’ll stay current in your own field of specialization through the annual convention, MLA publications, and MLA Commons.